martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014


In this post you will find three activities that promote multiple intelligences, that is to say, some activities that benefit every kind of student, no matter what their learning style is. I hope you find it useful!


Firstly, students will be given a photocopy with the lyrics from a song. These lyrics will contain some words that are missing and students will have to complete them while listening to the recording. Before listening, the teacher will make students read the lyrics and will welcome any doubt about vocabulary or grammar.

After doing the first listening, students will be shown the video clip of the song. Again they will have the chance to complete and check the missing words from the lyrics.
Thirdly, the teacher will ask for the missing words and after doing this, some volunteers will go to the front of the class and will think about some words that appear in the lyrics. They will make some gestures and drawings to represent these words so that the rest of the class can guess them.

With this activity we are dealing with multiple intelligences because listening to a song benefits musical, auditory and intrapersonal learners. The fill in the gaps activity might be good for linguistic learners and watching the video clip might be interesting for visual learners. With the guessing game, interpersonal, kinaesthetic and tactile learners will feel at ease by representing and drawing the words that their classmates, and most concretely logical learners, will happily guess.

Sing A Song Melody Cartoon Voice Suara picture


In this activity students will be divided into groups of eight containing two students of each learner style.

All groups will be given the same dialog which will have to be read by two visual learners. While these students read, two auditory learners will have to listen carefully. When they finish, they will have to explain what they heard to two tactile learners who will need to make a comic about it. After that, tactile learners will have to show their production to two kinaesthetic learners who will perform the dialogue in front of the class.

With this activity both interpersonal and intrapersonal learners will be able to feel comfortable while learning English.


In this activity students will be divided into groups of four.

In the first place, every student will be given a sheet of paper and will have to draw one of their own Christmas resolutions. Then each learner will fold his or her drawing and will give it to the student on his or her right.

The student on the right will have to see the picture and make a sentence interpreting the drawing of his or her classmate´s Christmas resolution by using the structure: “I want to” or the “Future Going to”.

When he or she finishes, the sentence will be passed to the next student sitting on the right. This student will open the sheet of paper and will read the sentence and then he or she will have to make a second drawing about this phrase.

This folded drawing will be given to the last student of the group and he or she will write the last statement according to what he or she understands from the picture.

After that, the person who started the game will read the sentence and see the evolution of his or her Christmas resolution. The learner will communicate the rest of the group if they were close to his or her idea or not.

With this game tactile, visual and linguistic learners will benefit from making drawings, seeing their classmates’ pictures and reading their statements. Logical learners will feel pleased to deduce their classmates’ Christmas resolutions. Kinaesthetic and interpersonal learners will enjoy the activity because they will be able to learn by playing and interacting with their peers. Auditory learners will look forward to listen to the final and right interpretation of their colleagues’ Christmas resolutions. And finally, intrapersonal learners will also like this activity as they will have to think about themselves, about the things they would like to accomplish in the coming year.

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014



I made two tests in order to know what my learning style was and curiously, my results in each of them were different!

According to the Education Planner website, I´m a visual learner, that means I learn by reading or seeing pictures and I understand and remember things by sight (this is completely right!).

I can picture what I am learning in my head and I like to see what I am learning as well. As a visual learner I am usually neat and clean and I often close my eyes to visualize or remember something (well, I don´t completely close them but it´s true that I don´t keep them fully opened) They also say that I will find something to watch if I become bored (my mobile phone most of the time, hahaha).

I may have difficulty with spoken directions and may be easily distracted by sounds (they got it completely right!).
And finally, I am attracted to colour and spoken language, like stories, that are rich in imagery (it´s true… I easily get bored by reading, I prefer watching!).

On the other hand, according to the BGfL website I am much more an intrapersonal, interpersonal, kinaesthetic and naturalistic learner than a visual one! This is my multiple intelligences pizza:

As an intrapersonal learner, I know about myself, my strengths and weaknesses and I will probably keep a diary (the first things are true but I don´t have a diary any more, I used to write about my daily life when I was a child).

As an interpersonal learner, I´m people smart and I like to mix with other people, play in team games and share (That´s kind of true).

As a kinaesthetic learner, I´m body smart. I enjoy sports and I´m good at swimming, athletics, gymnastics and other sports. (I need to recognise I like sports now but I used to hate them! So, I don´t agree that much on this description).

And finally as a naturalistic learner, I like the world of plants and animals and enjoy learning about them (they got it completely wrong… Take me out of the city, and I´ll be lost!).

So, all in all I guess the Education Planner website was more accurate describing me than BGfL. Now take the test yourselves and check your learning style!

These are the webpages I used:

I´m definitely a visual learner, what about you? :)