I made two tests in order to know what my learning style was and
curiously, my results in each of them were different!
According to the Education Planner website, I´m a visual learner, that
means I learn by reading or seeing pictures and I understand and remember
things by sight (this is completely right!).
I can picture what I am learning in my head and I like to see what I am
learning as well. As a visual learner I am usually neat and clean and I often
close my eyes to visualize or remember something (well, I don´t completely
close them but it´s true that I don´t keep them fully opened) They also say
that I will find something to watch if I become bored (my mobile phone most of
the time, hahaha).
I may have difficulty with spoken directions and may be easily
distracted by sounds (they got it completely right!).
And finally, I am attracted to colour and spoken language, like stories,
that are rich in imagery (it´s true… I easily get bored by reading, I prefer
On the other hand, according to the BGfL website I am much more an
intrapersonal, interpersonal, kinaesthetic and naturalistic learner than a
visual one! This is my multiple intelligences pizza:
As an intrapersonal learner, I know about myself, my strengths and
weaknesses and I will probably keep a diary (the first things are true but I
don´t have a diary any more, I used to write about my daily life when I was a
As an interpersonal learner, I´m people smart and I like to mix with
other people, play in team games and share (That´s kind of true).
As a kinaesthetic learner, I´m body smart. I enjoy sports and I´m good
at swimming, athletics, gymnastics and other sports. (I need to recognise I
like sports now but I used to hate them! So, I don´t agree that much on this
And finally as a naturalistic learner, I like the world of plants and
animals and enjoy learning about them (they got it completely wrong… Take me
out of the city, and I´ll be lost!).
So, all in all I guess the Education Planner website was more accurate describing
me than BGfL. Now take the test yourselves and check your learning style!
These are the webpages I used:
I´m definitely a visual learner, what about you? :)